You're a successful property manager with hundreds of rental units...
You made it!
You're doing well!
But the problem is... you're dealing with repetitive tasks and petty problems that could have been solved if it wasn't for human error. And unfortunately, this is causing a LOT of waste of time and revenue.
Now sure, you can hire more people which means you're having to spend a lot more money on payroll
You can automate the property management process so that you can produce more results with a smaller and leaner team.
You can even automate hard things like:
1. Repair Request
2. Lease Expirations
3. Evictions
4. Application & Tenant Move-In Process
5. Collecting Rents
My brother and I own and operate a private equity fund with multiple rental units today and we've seen the property management proess first hand... This PDF is written for hard-working professional property managers with at least 75 units seeking to spend less time dealing with problems and more time growing their business. The guide will give you the tools, concepts, and strategies to automate your property management process!